What is a Pull Workout?
Pull exercises are those where the muscles contract and the weight is being pulled towards you. The primary muscles used in pull workouts includes the back, biceps, hamstrings, obliques and trapezius. Examples of pull exercises are lat pull down, back rows, deadlifts, leg curls, rear delt flys and bicep curls.
Benefits of Adding Push/Pull Workouts to Your Program
- Less time at the gym
- Ensures muscle balance
- Promotes injury prevention
- Increases muscle mass
Back and Bicep Workout
Swiss Ball Dumbbell Wide Row
4 - 5 Sets
10 - 12 Reps
EZ Bar Curls
4 - 5 Sets
10 - 12 Reps
Cable Straight Arm Pull Down
3 - 4 Set
10 - 15 Reps
Standing Bicep Curls
3 - 4 Sets
10 - 15 Reps
One Arm Bent Leg Cable Row
3 - 4 Sets
12 - 15 Reps
Swiss Ball One Arm Preacher Curl
3 - 4 Sets
10 - 15 Reps
Swiss Ball Back Extensions
3 - 4 Sets
15 - 20 Reps with 10 Sec. Hold on Last Rep