Thursday, January 18, 2018

Winter Vegetables: Beets

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One of my favorite vegetables is beets. As a child, I never tried them until I got into bodybuilding. The reason why is that I could not understand why the standard diets for competition only had: chicken, fish, broccoli, asparagus, sweet potatoes and rice. Why were these the only staples to diet down? Why are the other vegetables not included? So as I always do, I researched. The reason why most diets for bodybuilding only included these foods is because of "Bro Science" that had been passed down over the years from other prior bodybuilders. No one had never decided there has to be something better than only these foods. In addition, only eating these foods limits your sources of nutrition, vitamins and minerals. Your body needs a variety of vegetables in order to function properly. Especially, when you are under a highly restrictive diet and over training. 

Benefits of Beets
    • Contains betaine, carotenoids, copper, dietary fiber, glycine, iron, lutein/zeaxanthin, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin C. It is also a source of beneficial flavonoids called anthocyanins. They are low in calories, without cholesterol, however they do have the highest sugar content of all vegetables.
    • Commonly used to aid treatment of anemia, cancer, constipation, dandruff, gallbladder disorders, indigestion, kidney disorders, heart diseases and piles. They also help to prevent macular degeneration, prevent cataracts, aid in skin care, improve blood circulation, and treat respiratory problems.
    • Beets contain a rich amount of carbohydrates and provides energy for endurance sports.  It provides energy metabolism without any of the negative side effects like many other carbohydrate-heavy foods. When the body has a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, it has enough fuel necessary for the body to function well. In addition, maintains the important metabolic reactions that keep your organ systems functioning efficiently.
    • Caution: People with kidney or gallbladder problems should avoid beet because they could heighten the production of kidney and bladder stones.
    • Source:

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